Halo 4

The start of a new Trilogy of the most iconic series of all time , ...
Halo 4
We are just a group of people that want to get out information to others about the gaming industry with out all that random extra stuff. Keep it simple and accurate.

Blizzards new MMO codenamed Titan

Posted by Unknown

Some of you have heard about a new MMO codenamed Titan in the works over at Blizzard, we all know about their previous massively multilayer online game , WOW, and have an idea about how this new game can turn out. The question is though what will they do with it, the name implies another fantasy game but that is not necessarily true. It would be cool to see Blizzard move into another era for a MMO and they would most likely be able to pull it off (granted I don't play WOW).

The main question is, what will happen with World Of Warcraft? some report do say that WOW has reached its Player-base cap after a drop in subscriptions of .6 million between October last year to March. There are other reports saying that the game will target a larger audience (why do you need more?) even though they are getting a few trillion dollars yearly from WOW. With so many games going for the F2P idea this will make people wonder what Blizzards plans to do with Titan. The new game is allegedly planed to launch with in the next 12 to 24 months.

If you ask me, I like the F2P theory but I am not inclined to give any money to them to get the items that are available via micro-transaction. In most cases when games go Free to Play they loose a lot of what made them great in the first place. This also brings me back to WOW, they would naturally more the support over to WOW so they can get people there but what happens to the previous game will that shut down at all or will it become F2P. If it goes free they should leave it alone and not try to make any more money off of it.

Respawn lives

Posted by Unknown

Respawn Interactive, the studio formed by the two former Infinity Ward CEOs, recently released some pictures of their new game. They don't help you at all on what it could be. with one of the pictures being a close-up shot of something with the word "Down" and the other really blurry, fortunately I can see what the blurred image has in it but i cant really say what it is for sure. The pictures actually appear to be concept art at this point, but we have out ideas on what they are and would love to hear what you think. Also stay tuned as we will work on doing some clarification work to show you what they are (mostly the blurred one).

OnLive for the consoles?

Posted by Unknown

The gaming service OnLive has their sights set for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. currently the cloud gaming company is going through talks with Microsoft and Sony to be able to provide the features on the two systems. The VP seems to like the idea and spoke with CVG about the proposed expansion of the company:

"Absolutely, they would make great consoles. Our controller is a hybrid between a PS3 controller and an Xbox controller. It's all compatible, it would just work. There are OnLive guys chatting [Sony and MS], but we'll see where it goes. But it would absolutely work, we're ready to work with everybody."

Apparently the idea isn't that far out there, and the only issue would be with MS and Sony. I personally don't know about this idea, cloud gaming is a cool thought but you would have to have a internet connection at all times to play the games. If there would be a way to change it so that you can download to games that would be great.

No Time Restricions for WoW Trial

Posted by Svein

If you haven't played World of Warcraft before and wanted to try the game free, you used to have to play as much as you could within a 10 or 14 day trial period, and then you'd have to buy the full game with a subscription. But with the latest content update "Rage of the Firelands," Blizzard has decided to take a new approach to the trial version of World of Warcraft.

Blizzard has completely gotten rid of the timed 10 and 14 day trial times, but you still have a level 20 limit. You can play the trial version of the game as long as you want all the way up to level 20 before you have to pay-to-play. The new trial version also includes the new option to play as a Blood Elf or a Draenei. My opinion is that Blizzard will attract even more new fans to the game this way since most of us don't like playing with a time restriction.

Mincraft going to new frontiers

Posted by Unknown

The new adventure update for that game still doesn't have a release date but we do know that it will not be 1.7 and will be 1.8 as notch is going to make an update with the pistons alone because we wanted it.

He was trying to keep it a surprise but he just couldn't any more though there are still some things that we don't know. What we do know is that it will be a big update. Notch on his blog talked a bit about it and how they will be updating us on the new features while its on its way. Below is a small bit of what we can expect for 1.8.

"Already implemented are new complex terrain features, at least one new mob, some interesting new combat mechanics, a new lighting engine, and some experimental new gameplay ideas. To come is more interesting farming, bigger incentives to explore, and npc villages."

3DS Remake of "Ocarina of Time" Glitches

Posted by Svein

It's well known that Nintendo is doing a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 3DS. What's not as well known is that they plan to intentionally keep as many of the bugs from the original Nintendo 64 version in the game as possible. It's more for the nostalgic purpose and the original fan-base than anything else. Nearly, if not all, of the people who've played the original game thought the bugs were fun to play around with, so it's easy to see why Nintendo would plan to keep these implemented as much as possible.

Goldeneye Reloaded

Posted by Svein

It seems Activision has been registering new domain names lately all relative to something called "Goldeneye Reloaded." Nothing has been leaked on the game and nothing is known about it. This could be a number of things: a revamped version of Goldeneye from the Nintendo 64 with HD graphics for modern consoles (since the new one with Daniel Craig on the Wii isn't in HD), or quite possibly "a turn as an Xbox Live Arcade game or on PSN."

Again, this is all just speculation. Nothing's been confirmed, released, or leaked. It's guesses on what Activision is up to with these new domains.

The law likes video games

Posted by Unknown

It is officially ruled by the supreme court that video games are protected by the constitution, primarily in this case the First Amendment for free speech. The decision in this case stated that the sale of "ultra-violent" (what ever that means) to minors is not illegal. This a big step in the "right" direction (kinda) as it will hopefully bring more light to the world that is video games.

However I would like to state that this does mean that we are more than likely going to be seeing a lot more little kids screaming into their mics while they are killed.

It is important to know that is was a case brought up from California, the case was know as Schwarzenegger vs. EMA and became Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association somewhere in the battle that took somewhere around six years. So from all this it still doesn't really matter until this get moving so that we all get enjoy the goodness. Either way you look at this was a triumph for us and we all should all make a note here.

7 years of L.A Noire

Posted by Unknown

the recent detective thriller L.A. Noire that released last month actually had been in development for quite some time. In fact it was seven years and it wasn't a Duke Nukem kinda thing the game was in production the whole time. during its development it had changed publishers midway through from Sony to Rockstar.

There were many reasons that it took so long to make but much of it was that the game had been the biggest project for any developer in Australia, and the force behind the production were mostly new and had this as their first project. Some of the other reasons that were stated said that the management had been terrible in a variety of different ways from abuse to insane money spending on the project.

After the projects boss spent a reported "tens of millions" on equipment in just one year the publisher at the time Sony had decided to drop the title even though they had great faith in the title after their last project. The decision had been made solely because the price tag had far exceeded what Sony wanted to pay. This event hurt the company's ability greatly and caused many more problems with the development but they were able to be brought back up by a new publisher Rockstar Games.

Rockstar had been determined to make sure this game was great. They even spent more that Sony had just to be sure the game would turn out. While under Rockstars wing the games had been ported to other systems, revamped, and even went through four different delays.

Ultimatly in the end of it all Rockstar had been right as the game had been a total success. with its release in May the games has had roughly three million sales world wide and just under 900,000 in its debut.

Google loves games

Posted by Unknown

The company that owns more than is imaginable and has made all kinds of cool software, especially my favorite the Android OS has announced their new expansion of the company. if you haven't guessed by the title its games, yes they have decided that they want to make games. in fact they are hiring for positions right now.

Its still a mystery what the focus of the games will be but its Google so it doesn't really matter. However if you are interested in a position with Games at Google then check it out here.

The PlayStation Notwork

Posted by Svein

It appears that although almost everywhere else in the world is enjoying the PlayStation Network after its security breach, Japan certainly isn't. The PSN is still down in Japan, which was supposed to launch sometime late last month. The Japanese Governmental bureaucrats at the Ministry of Economy's Media and Content Industry department "won't allow Sony to resume its PSN service until the electronics giant gives more information on new security measures."

What they're asking for is what the new preventative measures will be with their service, and how Sony will win back their customer's confidence over "personal data such as credit card information." It's essentially a way to ensure that this sort of security breach won't happen again.

It's estimated that the PSN in Japan will be restored sometime next month.

Master Chief has a makeover

Posted by Unknown

By now all of you have most likely seen the trailer for Halo 4 and noticed that the Master Chief looked different. Well that's not all, his armor is changed but his behaviors have as well. We don't know much yet but we are due to know soon enough.

In an interview with Frank O'Connor from OXM he stated "There's some story behind his new look, There are specific reasons why he looks the way he does and why some of his behaviors have changed. We'll see in good time."

So be sure to stay tuned for any news on the subject and also if you haven't seen the trailer yet here you go. We are so nice to you...

Pre-order Skyrim for purdy map...

Posted by Unknown

For those of you that have pre-ordered that's great but if you haven't you should get to that sometime... Soon, it does come out November 11.

Bethesda has decided for all pre-orders of the new Elder Scrolls game they will receive a very special map of the game. No its not a big piece of paper its actually made out of cloth. the cloth is apparently a high grade material that should feel like burlap. its definitely a great incentive especially for those that are fans of the series, or those that are really into the medieval fantasy thing.

picture for your thoughts...


Posted by Svein

For those of you who've bought TF2, you can ignore this post. But if you're like me, and didn't buy TF2 for whatever reason, you can get it whenever you want now for free from Steam!

Valve released Team Fortress 2 back in October, 2007, and its popularity skyrocketed among PC gamers, and quickly became a "must-have" in a standard game library. The game is most easily recognized by its slightly cartoon-ish art style, memorable characters, and hats. Lots and lots of hats.

Steam servers are currently overloaded from all the downloads for the game since it was released for free, so it may take a while to download. It's free, so you may as well give it a try if you haven't done so already.

New Sony Lawsuit

Posted by Svein

It appears that a new lawsuit has been filed against Sony on Monday, June 20th, in a federal court located in San Diego. The lawsuit avers that two weeks prior to the attack on the PlayStation Network, Sony fired "a substantial percentage" of the employees in the Sony Online Entertainment section of the company, which happens to include those working in its Network Operations Center, which is responsible for "preparing for, and responding to, security breaches." Apparently, Sony did this as a "strategic decision to reduce costs and streamline its global workforce."

This is where things get interesting. After laying off these employees, Sony installed the appropriate firewalls and other security measures to defend its own sensitive data. However, they did not do the same for customer data (more attempts to save money, a lack of care for their customers, or a very large, overlooked business mistake?). The breach of the PlayStation Network is just one of the more recent "attacks against high-profile firms, including defense contractor Lockheed Martin and Google Inc."

We all know what happened next; the PlayStation Network was breached, customer info was exposed, and the network was shutdown to prevent further damage. Every single aspect of the network was down for 23 days, starting in April to early May, and little by little was started up again.

Had Sony not fired those employees two weeks prior, is it possible that this crippling attack could have been prevented? It's hard to say for sure, and the only thing we can do is guess.

Not much is being revealed on the lawsuit, but more information will be posted as the lawsuit progresses and more info becomes available.

Rainbow Six changing things up

Posted by Unknown

There is for a fact a new Rainbow Six game in the works. unfortunately it happened to skip out on E3 this year even though we had heard about it before hand. They haven't yet given a official name for it yet but have given some interesting details about the new tactical shooter.

This one is supposed to more driven in the story compared to the previous games in the series. Its main antagonist this time around is a Terrorist group formed in the US that is angered by the greediness of Wall Street and the government that protects the people. This group has decided to target New York City to get their point across to the people of the US.

How they are changing things up with this one is that everything you do in the game affects the rest of the game. So its actually impossible to play every mission in one play through. They are doing this using a morality system so if you were to come across a innocent person that was made into a puppet for bombing by the terrorists you would have to make a decision on how to handle it. there are a few ways to go about solving the issue, one way is to incapacitate them and try to remove the the bomb or you could even kill the person one way as told by KOTAKU would allow you to toss the person over a bridge if you happen to be on one of course.

Detective Phelps: PC Analyst

Posted by Svein

L.A. Noire
has made its mark on the gaming industry recently, and it made its mark hard. I have seen nothing but great, high scoring reviews of the game and personally have only good things to say about it myself. Its innovative gameplay, solid and well thought out storytelling, and its groundbreaking use of motion-capture technology sets this game ahead of most others.

That being said, it's only available for the PS3 and Xbox 360, which leaves a lot of gamers out of the loop. Rockstar knows this and just announced this morning that L.A. Noire will be making its PC debut this coming Fall. Rockstar states that the PC version will give players more customization options, including "keyboard remapping and gamepad functionality to both optimize and customize performance and user experience."

That's not the only thing the PC gets, though. Rockstar boasts that the PC version features "increased fidelity and improved graphical enhancements," and "will also feature 3D support."

It appears that players with PCs capable of running this game with higher graphics settings will be able to experience an even more detailed version of 1940s Los Angeles with the graphical enhancements. Keep an eye out for the PC version of L.A. Noire hitting store shelves this fall.

Gears of War 3's Horde 2.0

Posted by Unknown

Gears of War 2's Horde mode really brought a new light into ways to play video games. Granted they weren't to first to do it, but they were the first to really make it fun and popular. Right after other games had their own incarnation of the horde mode like Halo's Firefight.

With Gears of War 3 comes a new Horde experience known as Horde 2.0. EPIC has really expanded on the game mode this time with the ability to build structures and even purchase new weapons and ammo. It also seems that they have maps that are built for Horde whereas in GoW2 they where just the multilayer maps with customized spawning.

for a better rundown on Horde 2.0 check out the video below and if you can wait for the game to come out on September 20th and cant get to any of the big events then check the GameCenter Tour page to see if it will be at a Walmart near you.

Gabe Newell Loves Nintendo

Posted by Svein

By now, everyone's heard of the new Nintendo Wii U console. Most of us have seen at least bits and pieces of what it is and what it is possibly capable of. Gabe Newell sees potential in the new console, and stated this morning to Joystiq that "Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation." Newell goes on to say that "It fits better into scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model."

What does this mean exactly? It strongly suggests that Valve may start developing games for the Wii U, which is no surprise since they've been working with consoles more and more lately, and expanding their games to the Wii U gives them a chance to appeal to a wider audience. It'll be interesting to see how Valve utilizes the touchscreen controller in upcoming releases.

This is actually good news. Nintendo has been faltering since the Wii came out as far as game selection goes. It's been more of a family oriented console with somewhat novelty games and titles that weren't taken seriously. There were a few of the bigger titles on the Wii (such as Call of Duty), but these ultimately failed, considering they weren't designed for a console that was motion based and, as I mentioned earlier, more family oriented. Nintendo did have some very fun games to play (New Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Super Smash Brothers: Brawl), but it seemed like these titles were far too few from a company that has always been great with games. Now that the new console is announced, and Valve seems to be taking an interest, it appears that more serious games that will appeal to the hardcore gamers will be making their debut on the Wii U.

Grand Theft Auto V?

Posted by Svein

Starting sometime in 2010, rumors emerged about Rockstar developing Grand Theft Auto V. Nothing was officially released on the game, but some leaked information suggests this game will have a setting in Los Santos (GTAs version of Los Angeles). Other information can only be guesses. For example: early this year, Rockstar registered five new domain names that could be intended for use in an in-game internet system (like the system seen in GTA IV with internet cafes allowing the player to access certain websites).

The domain names are:


As with GTA IV, these domain names are meant to be somewhat humorous and may possibly parody real life businesses or programs (the best example being the CashForDeadDreams.com domain possibly parodying Cash4Gold or other similar businesses).

According to unnamed sources, the game is very likely to be released in 2012, but could also possibly be delayed until 2013. Since Rockstar usually likes to keep their poker face going and only show their cards when they're closer to their release date, it's mostly speculation on what the game has to offer and when it may or may not be released. More information will be posted as it becomes available.


Posted by Unknown

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata talked more about the new console and how it came to be what it is today, he also mentioned some pricing information.

So the Wii U was actually at one point a portable... yeah that's right the controller was considered to be a new portable game system, shame it wasn't. It eventually became a controller that would have to connect to the console in order to function but it did happen to go through a few more ideas. That built in screen had been a separate piece that you would just set in front of you somewhere, surely serving the same function as this one but with less features I would assume.

It also seems that they had the idea so do something like this for quite some time now, at least since the first Wii. apparently the reason it took as long as it did was because the idea was to costly. The screen was going to be smaller because it would have been too expensive. Clearly money is Nintendo's deciding factor.

This time around the games can be in HD which Nintendo expects will improve the success of the console and games. This is true but it also means that developing the games will cost more, which in turn means that we will have to pay more for them. Satoru continued saying that he hopes that the prices can stay lower but he did admit that they wont be around $50 at least for the bigger titles.

So we have an idea on what we will be paying for the games, but we still don't know what the console will cost. In fact we haven't even heard when we can expect to hear about that at all yet. My bet is that we will find out at E3 next year, considering the console has some time to go through development yet. Nintendo did say that there are still some parts that are not set in stone for the Wii U yet, which definitely explains why they don't know what to charge yet.

Halo: Anniversairy and Kinect

Posted by Unknown

Vice President of Microsoft Game Studios confirmed that Halo: Anniversary will have Kinect integration. He went on to say that though it will have functionality with the Kinect sensor it will not affect the core gameplay in any way. They have not explained what it will be yet but I can only assume that it will be very soon that we find out.

It seems obvious that The next trilogy for the Halo franchise will definitely have support for the Kinect as the VP and another spokesperson have mentioned that they feel that the Kinect can "enhance experiences" in many ways.

Tell us what you think they are probably going to do with the Kinect for Halo, remember nothing to the core gameplay.

Two responsible for Brian Wood's death have been sentenced.

Posted by Unknown

For those of you who know about the Company of Heroes developer Brian Wood's tragic death last year, the two women responsible have been sentenced to prison.

Jordyn Weichert and Samantha Bowling, were both steering the vehicle that collided with Wood's car that had killed two other girls in the car with them and Brian Wood, also injuring his pregnant wife Erin.

Jordyn Weichert who was behind the wheel at the time was sentenced to eight years.
Samantha Bowling on three counts of vehicular homicide was given five years.

Erin Wood survived and gave birth to a daughter earlier in the year.

Peter Molyneux made a mistake.

Posted by Unknown

The presentation of Fable: The Journey looked like a good game but it seemed to be set on rails. Lionhead's Peter Molyneux says that he made a huge mistake by not clarifying that its not actually set on rails at all. That would certainly be great but from the demonstration it kind of looked that way. I guess we'll have to find out for sure when the game comes. Just remember guys Molyneux has admitted to "bending" the truth to keep people interested.
I just don't see why they cant add the features that he said as it would make a much better game, I think it feels like a bit of false advertizing

New Xbox dashboard

Posted by Unknown

The new dashboard looks pretty nice. When it launches we will immediately notice the new organization, which has lots more information. There are also some additional features that will come with it, like the Bing search, and my favorite cloud saving. Yup that's right you don't need to worry about that HDD overflowing or even having to transport it around to access your saves at a friends cause you can access it from anywhere.
I just wonder if it will work that same way with out Kinect, granted not with the voice commands or hand gestures. I like my Kinect I just don't want to use it all the time to get a nice dashboard.

Here is a video from IGN on the whole thing.

More about the Wii U

Posted by Unknown

So its done and we know what it is, but what are the specs of the system? We still don't know much yet but more and more info is being released my Nintendo about the new consoles features and build.

At this point in time we do know that the console will support the old Wii controllers no matter which ones. with that we also know that it only has 8GB (questionable as of yet) on internal storage, but will support the use of SD cards or USB drives to save game data and more. Nintendo has confirmed that the system is going to show a 1080P picture, as far as the controller screen goes it seems that its just getting the 480P cold shoulder (sad, they for sure could at easily put a 720P display in that bad boy).
More about that controller, its just a controller you can't use the controller away from the console, (system has to be turned on and playing the game) but you can play a game on the screen with the system on as long as you are in range for the connection. When we saw the demos for the system and the way you can manipulate what happens on the TV by playing with the touch screen, it kinda reminded me of that scene from Iron Man 2 where he was at the court hearing and hacked all the TVs with his little holo-screen gadget.
Here is the more interesting note about the system. The discs that they will be using are NOT Blu-ray, however they will be able to store up to 25GB of memory in them. I have a serious question now, what could they possibly be doing that would require that much space for a Nintendo console cause it not the HD graphics I'm sure of that.

Nintendo's Press Conference

Posted by Unknown

They didn't really operate like anyone else did as far as the presentations went. It was like always, they go on stage and talk more about their stuff than show it. It was nice to see some of the new games and they clearly wanted to push the 3DS this year and respectively so as it is a new release for them any they want to get stuff out for it. Its the 25th anniversary of Zelda so they had a small bit on that and gave a bit of an announcement of the new Zelda game Skyward Sword. Star Fox is also making a return after a long period to the 3DS.

How about we get to the big point of the presentation? We have all been hearing about it for a while now but finally we got to see what it was. The new Nintendo console, granted they didn't give many details on it but it seems that they are on to something. What we did see was a really cool new idea for a controller, and some interesting videos that showed the capabilities of the new system. There is defiantly more that they are going to show us about it hopefully soon but if not it will for sure be there at next years E3.

Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition announced

Posted by Unknown

For those of you out there (me being one) that want to get the best version of Mass Effect 3 you can get, you are in luck. The collectors edition named the "N7 Edition" (sweet name) has been announced and its seems like a good deal.

Here's what you get
Copy of Mass Effect 3 in a cool metal case.
A hardcover artbook
Lithograph of The Normandy
Fabric N7 Patch
And a bunch of DLC stuff including guns, missions, characters, robo-pets, clothing, and avatar stuff.

Gears of War 3 Achievements

Posted by Unknown

Campaign Events Points “How To” Description
Marcus, It's Your Father 5 Story Progression in Prologue (Standard or Arcade).
Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy 10 Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 2 (Standard or Arcade).
We Struck Gold, Son! 10 Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 3 (Standard or Arcade).
My Turf! Cougars Territory! 10 Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade).
Putting it Scientifically… 10 Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 6 (Standard or Arcade).
Okay, Now We Find Hoffman 10 Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 1 (Standard or Arcade).
Oh Yeah, It's Pirate Time 10 Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade).
Thanks for Flying Gas Bag Airways 10 Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 7 (Standard or Arcade).
Anvil Gate's Last Resort 10 Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 1 (Standard or Arcade).
Was it Good For You? 10 Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 2 (Standard or Arcade).
Lost Your Good Driver Discount 10 Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 3 (Standard or Arcade).
Brothers to the End 10 Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade).
Think You Can Handle That? 10 Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 3 (Standard or Arcade).
Baird's Favorite Kind of Toy 10 Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade).
Welcome To <redacted> 10 Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (Standard or Arcade).
Look at That, Instant Summer. 10 Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 2 (Standard or Arcade).
Ok. Faith. Yeah. Got It. 10 Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (Standard or Arcade).
We've Finally Got a Tomorrow 10 Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (Standard or Arcade).
Game Completion
Event Points “How To” Description
Ready for More 50 Complete all campaign Acts on Casual or Normal Difficulty (Standard or Arcade).
Ain't My First Rodeo 50 Complete all campaign Acts on Hardcore Difficulty (Standard or Arcade).
That's Just Crazy (unlocks in-game content) 75 Complete all campaign Acts on Insane Difficulty (Standard or Arcade).
Event Points “How To” Description
Collector 5 Recover 5 Campaign Collectibles (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade).
Pack Rat 10 Recover 20 Campaign Collectibles (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade).
Hoarder 15 Recover all 42 Campaign Collectibles (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade).
Remember the Fallen 15 Recover all 15 COG Tags during the Campaign (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade).
Event Points “How To” Description
My Fellow Gears 50 Complete all Campaign Acts in Co-op (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade).
We Few, We Happy Few... (unlocks avatar award) 50 Complete all Campaign Acts in 4 player Co-op (any difficulty, Standard or Arcade).
Event Points “How To” Description
Level 5 5 Reach level 5.
Level 10 10 Reach level 10.
Level 15 15 Reach level 15
Level 25 25 Reach level 25.
Level 50 50 Reach level 50.
Judge, Jury and Executioner 10 Get a kill with every possible execution finishing move (any mode).
Wreaking Locust Vengeance 10 Get a kill with every Locust monster in Beast mode (any difficulty).
Enriched and Fortified 10 Complete all 50 waves of Horde mode (any difficulty, any map).
It's All About the Loot! 25 Earn the Bronze "Loot Courtesan" medal.
All for One, One for All 10 Earn the Bronze "Force Multiplier" medal.
First Among Equals 25 Earn the Silver "Number 1" medal.
Award Winning Tactics 25 Earn at least one Onyx medal.
Seriously 3.0 (unlocks in-game content) 100 Reach level 100 and earn every Onyx medal.
Event Points “How To” Description
Welcome to Versus 10 Kill 10 enemies in Team Death Match (Standard or Casual).
The Versus Sampler Platter 10 Complete one match of all six Versus game modes (Standard or Casual).
Welcome to Horde Mode 10 Survive the first 10 waves of Horde mode (any difficulty, any map).
Welcome to Beast Mode 10 Survive all 12 waves of Beast mode (any difficulty, any map).
Welcome to Arcade Mode 10 Complete 5 Arcade Campaign chapters in co-op (any difficulty).
Multiplayer Only
Event Points “How To” Description
Welcome to the Big Leagues 0 Demonstrate your skill in Casual Versus multiplayer.
Wait, What Time is it? 10 Earn the maximum Consecutive Match Bonus in Versus multiplayer (Standard or Casual).
Socialite 70 Earn the Onyx "War Supporter" medal.
Thanks to the GoW3 website for the list of chevos!

Gears of War 3 Console

Posted by Unknown

Lets be honest we all saw this coming, every time a BIG game comes out and is even "exclusiving" itself to the 360 they make a BA custom console. Personally I have to get one as I have gotten one since MW2's custom 360, and this is one beast looking design.

Whats in the box
Gears of War 3 custom Xbox 360 (has a 320GB HDD!)
2 wireless GoW3 custom controllers (the new ones with the fancy d-pad!)
copy of Gears of War 3
a code for some exclusive DLC

Ubisoft and Sony

Posted by Unknown

Okay so we were unable to update anything after EA. So I'll just give a quick rundown of what we saw that was good.

Some more gameplay of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier that even featured 4-player Co-Op.
A first look at gameplay for Assassins Creed: Revelations.
a small bit of information on the new track mania game but nothing about the other parts to the Mania Planet series.
Ray-man games that we all know to much about anyway.

First look at Uncharted 3 gameplay.
PlayStation TV.
some strange split-screen but not split thing that was cool but to strange to understand, we personally want to look at it with out the glasses to see what it looks like.
Resistance 3 which kinda lost its touch after being shown plenty before the conference.
NGP know as the PSVITA, which looks great for a handheld and is really getting some where but the AT&T thing leads us away from it.
some exclusive content that will be on the game discs for some of the future titles, it doesn't matter because they aren't played and surely wont be.
DUST 514 the console variation of the epic MMO EVE: ONLINE.
and above all a man with a tie!

Battlefield 3

Posted by Unknown

The new Battlefield looks amazing and I have to say it's so realistic that it even includes the long waits in between the battles. The small MP teasr leaves us wanting lots more, but what we were able to see looks like its going to be plenty of fun.


Posted by Unknown

Insomniac games the minds behind the Resistance series has expanded their fronts to onther systems with a new game that looks like it will provide strait up classic comedy entertainment.

Kingdom of Amauler: Reconing

Posted by Unknown

KoA: Reconing looks like a good Rpg and should last quite a while. There is also talk that it will recieve a MMO overhaul some time later.


Posted by Unknown

The new MMO from Bioware Star Wars: The Old Republic, is looking even cooler hopefully we can get even more information on the game because we keep getting teased with all these videos. It's time to tell us what we can expect, at least expand on what we have seen so far.

NFS: The Run

Posted by Unknown

Well it looks like Need For Speed isnt just racing anymore. It looks more like a racing version of GTA. its interesting but is it good enough, the series has died off a lot lately.


Posted by Unknown

Alright so I havent been a fan of the Elder Scrolls games becasue they all seemed the same to be but Skyrim really looks like its a game that will have to be a preorded title. The game is massive and has over 300 hours of gameplay, along with that the new engine that they made just for the game looks beautiful they were able to pack so much into it and there is also a 3rd person view that looks appealing and not like MJ in knights armor.


Posted by Unknown

Its official HALO 4 is coming out and we all were jumping with insane excitement that resulted in us jumping and screeming with joy. but along with that it was announced as a trilogy so we got 4 Halo games coming out in one being the remake of the first one that many of us knew had to be coming. Can't wait to get my hands on the games and not just relive the best revolutionary shooter but continue the greatest story that has been made in the industry.


Posted by Unknown

Well this is clearly the best looking racing game that anyone could ever lay thier eyes on. with the Kinect features this will surly become a Kinect seller.


Posted by Unknown


Gears of War 3

Posted by Unknown

Cliffy B. and Iced-T gave a great display of the new gears game that already has done insanly well in sales. the game sooms pretty intense and looks to be a great way to bring the series to a close. Its sad to think that this will be the last gears game or is it?

Another NXE

Posted by Unknown

Well xbox is becoming more of an entertainment system an will soon render cable useless. I really like the new features that will give more meaning to the KINECT, I got one early on in its life and its fun but i dont really use it, with the new NXE I will be more enticed to use it all the time. UFC will have a new deal on there as well where you can guess on who will win fights and win points (no idea what they are for)

Ghost Recon

Posted by Unknown

Ubisoft executive just showed us the new ghost recon with a very plesant teaser trailor. They also showed us how KINECT will work with the game and I must say it look great. The game itself has more gun customizations than one can count. To top it all off all future Tom Clancy title will support the Kinect.

Mass Effect 3

Posted by Unknown

So the biggest RPG ever just blew us away with all kinds of new features im really excite to blow away much of my life again.

Tomb Raider

Posted by Unknown

The sexy English adventurer is at it again. We only saw a small teaser of gameplay but it was enough to know that it will be an interesting experiance, especially with the moans and groans that she make when ever you do anything.


Posted by Unknown

To open up the Xbox press Conference was a beautiful 10 minuite gameplay reveal of Modern Warfare 3. We saw a few guns and some amazing cinematics. Not sure about youbut I can not wait for November 8 to get my hands on this game.

Microsoft has some HALO goodies

Posted by Unknown

It looks like we will see more of halo and soon it seems. This E3 website for Microsoft shows some interesting stuff but the 2 HALO sections are what catches our eye.

Star Wars The Old Republic

Posted by Unknown

If you guys are just as excited about the new Star Wars MMO as I am and you haven't seen the E3 trailer then you have to check it out. It wouldn't hurt to check it out either way. Not much else to say except that this is going to be one HUGE MMO and it may be the only other one that I would pay for the current one is EVE ONLINE in case you were wondering.

Nintendo console

Posted by Unknown

It looks like the rumor mill has gone into full gear for the next console by Nintendo however the ideas seem pretty fabricated.As we know Nintendo themselves called obviously a code name, if it not then it should do more than play video games.
(check the Rooster-teeth video) Well as you can see in the image the console is called "BEEM", it seems pretty unlikely that's the name and we can be sure that its not considering this is from a contest that was held by IGN.

there are also other sources that say the name of the next console is simply "Nintendo" its a more likely name and its how they started as the original systems were called Nintendo by the fans so maybe they are going to some of their roots or they want to make
sure we know they are still in the game. After the first public reports saying that the system will be "Significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 or PS3"

i hope they are able to give it a cool name. I have to say though with words like that you really must be making something big. Lets just wait and see what Nintendo has in store for us, personally I would like a new Nintendo system that can move into the more hardcore gaming light and maybe play movies. One last note that is a really cool design for a new Nintendo system I like the classic design but with a new modern twist.

Nintendo website breeched

Posted by Unknown

Lulzsec the hacker group behind the attack on Sony's website earlier in the week breached the Nintendo U.S. site earlier today. they claimed that they didn't intend for any harm to come to Nintendo via twitter however.

E3 next week!!!

Posted by Unknown

So as all gamers out there should know E3 is next week. Just in case you don't know the rundown on the schedule we got it here for you.

9:00AM PDT Show kick off
9:30AM PDT Microsoft press conference
11:00AM PDT World Exclusive First Looks
12:30PM PDT Electronic Arts press conference
1:30PM PDT EA showcaseing
2:30PM PDT Ubisoft Press conference
3:45PM PDT gameplay premiers
5:00PM PDT Sony Press Conference
6:30PM PDT World premier RAGE day 1 wrap-up

8:30AM PDT Battlefield 3 premier
9:00AM PDT Nintendo press conference
10:00AM PDT Ubisoft World Premiers
11:00AM PDT Nintendo WPs and Sony WPs
12:00PM PDT GTTV determine who won the press conference war
1:00PM PDT from this point its mostly just a bunch of World premiers

The rest of the week is filled full of floor showings.

Prey 2

Posted by Sterzy

HALO:CE Anniversary

Posted by Sterzy


Posted by Sterzy

Gears of War 3

Posted by Sterzy

Mass Effect 3

Posted by Sterzy