Halo 4

The start of a new Trilogy of the most iconic series of all time , ...
Halo 4
We are just a group of people that want to get out information to others about the gaming industry with out all that random extra stuff. Keep it simple and accurate.

Halo 4 Concept art video

Posted by Unknown

I really don't know what to say about this... Its awesome stuff and the music is incredible. I do recommend that you turn the volume WAY UP as its just so cool that way, and if you can get some bass too.

Minecraft 1.8

Posted by Unknown

The long awaited update for Minecraft, 1.8, finally has seen some light. currently the update is playable at PAX and is slated to release in two parts. The first part will be somewhere within a few weeks and the second half will be as 1.9 and they haven't said when but will more than likely follow close behind.

When starting up a world you will be able to choose between Creative or Survival modes. obviously they are very different from each other where Creative will let you fly around, place an infinite number of blocks, and also be able to choose from a pool of the different items and blocks in the game which will replace the inventory, it will also NOT have any damage or mobs. Survival mode will have changes to the combat system which now has critical hits, and charging bow shots. Some other features that will be included are sprinting, better lighting, hunger, experience, NPCs and villages, new and better biomes, and even a new mob known as the Enderman.

The Enderman are actually pretty creepy. They are peaceful until you look at them directly, then they become angry and will teleport to your location and attack you. They can also pick up other blocks and move them around.

Seriously EA?...

Posted by Unknown

EA spokesperson Jeff Brown is still showing that they are very low people by continuing to bash Activision. Even after Activision CEO gave a speech saying that he would like to see all games succeed including Battlefield, and also that the words from EA are bad for the Industry in which many have agreed upon.

EA CEO said after the speech "Welcome to the big leagues Eric. I know you're new in the job but someone should have told you this is an competitive industry."

Wait, what? That line alone makes no sense, Eric Hirshberg (Activision CEO) said that it was competitive a few times in the speech. not to mention that the welcome is a bit late as he is with the company that completely destroys EA in numerous fields.

Jeff was even quoted with saying "You've got every reason to be nervous. Last year Activision had a 90 share in the shooter category. This year, Battlefield 3 is going to take you down to 60 or 70. At that rate, you'll be out of the category in 2-3 years. If you don't believe me, go to the store and try to buy a copy of Guitar Hero or Tony Hawk."

Again, what? GH and TH games were discontinued by Activision in order to concentration more on other projects, not because you made a better game. Maybe you should pay more attention to the rest of the industry instead of looking in tunnel vision at your own work. Also it's not smart to "count your chickens before the eggs hatch" because what happens when your game sell's just like all your others have? You wont have even touched Call of Duty and they will be at the way top then.

I do apologize if this seems like I'm playing favorites here. I kind of am just because EA has as of late been really annoying, well they always are. I have made the decision to not get Battlefield 3, as have a few other people that I know. My reasoning is quite obvious, I don't feel that a company that doesn't know what the word respect is should get my money. However I am still getting Mass Effect 3, I cant turn down a game from a developer that is great even if their publisher is bad.

Activision CEO is inspiring

Posted by Unknown

At GamesCom Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg gave a speech explaining how he doesn't aim to take down competition but applaud its abilities. In some ways this can be taken back to the event that went on at E3 where EA/DICE employee's would not allow him to check out the Battlefield 3 beta that was available there. Eric handled everything that was thrown at him very classy and professionally, clearly he wants people to know that he is the better man.

Having competitors throw things around like not letting you check out their game or using the terms that are explained in the video can make someone at least a bit angry, but he seems to keep his cool. Its qualities like this that will earn more respect for not only them but for the entire company as well.

Battlefield 3 gameplay official

Posted by Unknown

Today EA released a multiplayer gameplay trailer that I must say looks amazing. I cant wait to play the game. It looks like its going to be more intense than the Bad Company games. But this is probably only because this is PC gameplay. I really want to know why they would cut the console gamers short, I personally think its bad for business.

anyway lets just sit back and try to relax to the intense gameplay... I suggest going full-screen
I only hope that the company learns some respect.

PS3 cheaper finally

Posted by Unknown

Today at Gamescon Sony announced that the price for the PS3 system would drop. This price drop is only $50 but that's money towards your first game. The big question is weather or not they did it to get customers back or they were genuinely lowering it as companies do. There isn't much to say about this really, but if you wanted to expand your gaming options now isn't a bad time to do it. There are many great exclusive titles for the PlayStation 3 that will be releasing in the coming months. There is also a limited edition bundle available at select retailers. This bundle is a 320GB console with a copy of inFAMOUS 2 and a 30 day membership to the PlayStation+. Just remember that you wont get to keep anything that you got from plus when the subscription expires.

Blacklight: Retribution

Posted by Unknown

it was only last year that the Xbox Live arcade and later PSN and Steam title, Blacklight: Tango Down, released. even though we already knew there would be another to release this year I doubt anyone knew how well it could look. One year doesn't seem like much time to make a game and have much more on the last game, especially for one that is from a small and relatively young studio. After seeing some gameplay I must say that I am impressed, Retribution is running on Unreal Engine 3 and will have full compatibility with Direct X11. Unfortunately we don't know that they will have a console release yet, but it would probably not be an arcade game this time. 

Here is some gameplay just for you courtesy of our... um... friends over at IGN.

Allegedly there is talk about an open beta but there is no official word yet. We'll keep in touch about that matter.

Call of Duty: MW3 Survival

Posted by Unknown

Today Infinity Ward dropped a video of the new spec ops survival mode. Previously we saw a small bit from the Jimmy Fallon show but that really did not show anything at all. Here is a good 2 minute trailer of the new mode. MW3's new spec ops mode looks like a lot of fun for solo or with a friend. Be sure to stay tuned for the Multiplayer reveal coming up at Call of Duty XP.


Posted by Unknown

It seems as though the war for the best shooter has be thrust upon us and it is forming battalions of fan-boys on both sides. This is much more than what sort of dirt can you come up with on the opposing sides game. This is actually about the numbers, Thanks to IGN for finding them all for us we can see what side is the best...
Judging by this it seems that Call Of Duty is the winner but I honestly don't know that this did us any good, that fan-boy war rages on people.

Xbox now has some Blue

Posted by Unknown

Coming this November Microsoft will be releasing a brand new wireless headset and even a new media remote. Its not just brand new stuff its even better than ever. The new designs actually are relative to the upgrades to the console itself, you remember the shiny new look that releases last year?

The media remote is a universal remote according to some sources, just how universal is yet to be determined. I think that it may have something to do with the wireless upgrades (I'll get to that later). The remote itself is sized better to accommodate the buttons better and make it look... neater?

Microsoft's new Headset is also upgraded in style to look like its fro the new 360s. It actually looks like some hi-tech spy gadget, which is good. But whats more impressive than the new design that looks more sturdy is that its got much better voice and audio quality, how? Well with this new headset they have incorporated Bluetooth 3.0. Yeah you read that right the 360 has Bluetooth. The headset will also have a battery life of 8 straight hours of use before needing to be recharged. to top it off you can use the headset for your phone at the touch of a button.

Here's the kicker. If you remember the price of the original Wireless headset and remote, and thought that they were good prices, or maybe you were on the edge cause you thought that it wasn't worth it cause there wasn't Bluetooth capabilities. Well now it should be cause they aren't going to be any more than the first ones. The headset will be $59.99 and the remote $19.99.

Prey 2

Posted by Sterzy

HALO:CE Anniversary

Posted by Sterzy


Posted by Sterzy

Gears of War 3

Posted by Sterzy

Mass Effect 3

Posted by Sterzy