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Seriously EA?...

Posted by Unknown Aug 20, 2011

EA spokesperson Jeff Brown is still showing that they are very low people by continuing to bash Activision. Even after Activision CEO gave a speech saying that he would like to see all games succeed including Battlefield, and also that the words from EA are bad for the Industry in which many have agreed upon.

EA CEO said after the speech "Welcome to the big leagues Eric. I know you're new in the job but someone should have told you this is an competitive industry."

Wait, what? That line alone makes no sense, Eric Hirshberg (Activision CEO) said that it was competitive a few times in the speech. not to mention that the welcome is a bit late as he is with the company that completely destroys EA in numerous fields.

Jeff was even quoted with saying "You've got every reason to be nervous. Last year Activision had a 90 share in the shooter category. This year, Battlefield 3 is going to take you down to 60 or 70. At that rate, you'll be out of the category in 2-3 years. If you don't believe me, go to the store and try to buy a copy of Guitar Hero or Tony Hawk."

Again, what? GH and TH games were discontinued by Activision in order to concentration more on other projects, not because you made a better game. Maybe you should pay more attention to the rest of the industry instead of looking in tunnel vision at your own work. Also it's not smart to "count your chickens before the eggs hatch" because what happens when your game sell's just like all your others have? You wont have even touched Call of Duty and they will be at the way top then.

I do apologize if this seems like I'm playing favorites here. I kind of am just because EA has as of late been really annoying, well they always are. I have made the decision to not get Battlefield 3, as have a few other people that I know. My reasoning is quite obvious, I don't feel that a company that doesn't know what the word respect is should get my money. However I am still getting Mass Effect 3, I cant turn down a game from a developer that is great even if their publisher is bad.


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